Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodbye New York

This past week has been a big one for Collin Murray and I as we had to say goodbye to New York. In between packing up a household and shipping it to another country, carting cats on the plane, and being sad that we had to leave and say goodbye not just to a great city but also to the wonderful friends that we met while there, it was a tough week that leaves us asking, what's next?

Collin Murray is all set, he begins a new job tomorrow and is sure to be excellent at it -- I say this not just because he is my hubby but because he's good a being a chef-y and I hope he knows it. As for me, there are too many possibilities right now. The next couple weeks will be spent getting our apartment here in Canada in a suitable living condition (like, wouldn't it be nice to see the stove and to easily open the fridge door? -- so many boxes, so much stuff!), and preparing for our wedding reception, after that, when life is in order, I'm not sure what is in my future. Of course, I will definitely be writing on this blog because my faithful followers are so lovely, but I will also writing for a couple of other projects that I'm working on and will be telling y'all about quite soon... And I will also surely be baking and cooking up tasty savory things too so there will be lots of recipes and pictures and fun times in the kitchen to look forward to. Y'all will have to be patient as The Tiffany Blue Chef figures out its new identity now that it no longer takes place in 'the city that never sleeps': really, we all have to get used to life not lived in New York.

I don't really want this post to be a goodbye to New York because I know I will be back but the reality is that on Thursday, we did have to say goodbye to New York and the wonderful experiences that Collin Murray and I both had while we were there. We didn't love every minute of it, there were some pretty tough times, some times that were pretty low and the city really did try to break us both -- it's not always glamorous let me tell you. However, there were some amazing times too, and lucky for us, there were more of these times than there were low ones. Plus, we met people in New York that we will never forget and never lose touch with; good friends, true friends and friends that we are truly grateful for. On that note about gratitude, I think that I can speak for both Collin Murray and I when I say that we were truly grateful for the experience of getting to live in New York. To be able to go to school there, to work there, to experience the city for as long as we did, it was a true blessing, there is no other word for it.

1 comment:

  1. Sad to hear you are leaving the fabulousness of NYC, but inspiring to hear it was such an amazing time. You got hitched there for crying out loud! Aha! A perfect excuse to re-visit every year anniversary style. ;)
