Friday, April 9, 2010

Opps...I Almost Broke A $3000 Ice Cream Compressor...My Bad!

Today I almost broke a $3000 ice cream compressor. No biggie, just $3000. That's a lot of dishes to wash in order to repay the unknown culinary school in New York that I'm attending (PS: try not to see the name of the school on the plate)...I was quite concerned for myself until chef just called downstairs for a new door. You see, the commercial ice cream maker is a little more complicated then the version I have at home. Picture if you will a stainless steel box the size of a small fridge, and there are buttons and stoppers and locks and everything has to be in the right place or out of the wrong place and then once you pour your still-liquid ice cream into the machine and one of these little buttons is not in the right place and suddenly liquid ice cream is pouring out and there is nothing but my hands to catch it and then I'm closing the door that is allowing the liquid ice cream to flow and then the door is literally flying off the machine and parts are in the flour bin and a spring is in the dish of raspberries someone was prepping... It was seriously complicated and seriously expensive and I was seriously sweating that I had broken the machine. However, once we had a new door on the compressor, and after all the hassles and mess, my chocolate ice cream tasted like a dream.

In addition to the ice cream drama, we also made caramel syrup, blueberry syrup (both which were so good I almost couldn't stand it), and we made a sorbet sweetening syrup for Monday's sorbet class. We un-molded our cheesecakes (also really good) and were taught a little bit about the fine art of plating desserts. It was a good day but a stressful day as we had some absences in our class and also had some miscommunication that set some teams (like ours) a little bit behind and we had the aforementioned ice cream drama. I would say that we were all pretty glad that it was Friday and that we didn't have to deal with eggs or sugar this weekend but the reality is that I need to practice so this weekend may yield some sugar/egg blog posts. Until then, enjoy the cheesecake picture and think of Collin enjoying the actual cheesecake (he just finished his second piece)...

My plated marscarpone cheesecake with blueberry sauce and fresh raspberries which chef said had too many dots but was otherwise quite lovely.

PS y'all, here is a photo of a building on the end of 23rd Street and 5th Avenue (literally right across the street from the Flatiron Building). Can you spot something wrong with it? Something freakily wrong with it that would make you want to immediately call the police? (If by now you can't see it, adjust your prescription and notice that there is what appears to be a person standing on top of the building!). How freaky, huh? How totally freaky is that statue that looks like a person standing on the edge of that building? Well, it gets freakier, there are probably 15 or so of these statues on the tops of buildings all around Madison Square Park. They have been there for about a week and they are really starting to trip me out.

It's freaky weird.


  1. Wow! There seems to be a lot going on inside the no-named culinary school and outside on top of the surrounding buildings. I think the fact that you exposed the plate with said school's logo and the location in Manhattan, the mystery has been revealed. I don't think that it will affect your reader's attention to the wonderful blog.

    I liked the extra dots on the plate personally. I just wish I could taste it!!!

    As for the photo of the man on the building, is there a purpose to these 15 or so statues? Inquiring minds want to know...

  2. Very artistic! Your cheesecake presentation is very nice. It makes my mouth water. Sounds like a hectic day for you, but you still did a great job! Way to go. I think your dots are great!

  3. I would have gone with even more dots.

  4. I agree with Pat...the more dots the better! What is up with the statues?
