Friday, April 16, 2010

The Pressure Of A Name

Hi y'all. Not much to report from the culinary front today. We all sat in class for four hours and listened to our delightful career services advisor talk about how to make our resumes better and perfect our pitches. It was a dandy time. Monday we have our first practical exam which should be interesting and vaguely stress inducing. I practiced making creme anglaise tonight and think I got it right. Next time I think I will be turning down the heat a little and letting it thicken a little slower -- it is hard to be your own judge on creme anglaise perfection when you have only made it once or twice.

Now, due to the nature of today's class, a fire has been lit under my butt to get going on another web-related project that I need a little help with from y'all. I love this blog, I (mostly) enjoy writing it and I love hearing all the feedback from everyone about my exploits at school, around the city and at home cooking with Collin Murray but I'm thinking of starting another blog. Blog 2.0 would not be a replacement for this blog -- and NO, I am not going to stop writing this blog. Blog 2.0 would be a blog of a more professional nature. Since the point of this whole pastry school thing is to one day (hopefully soon) get a job in food media, I want to begin to write with a more professional and less personal audience in mind. So, to begin Blog 2.0, which I'm only going to update a couple times a week (because I will still be so busy with this blog of course!), I need a name. And the name has to be good. Every name that I have suggested to Rod or Collin Murray has not suited so I'm asking for help. I like 'Sugar and Sass' but I don't know if that works. So let me know your thoughts and ideas pretty, pretty please. Like I said, I want to get Blog 2.0 up and ready so that I can include the address on my resumes when I send them out to potential employers so they can get an idea of my writing and since the whole sending out of resumes needs to start happening soon, there needs to be a named blog there and there needs to be a named blog there fast!

Now, due to my test on Monday (and actually, I also have a test on Tuesday in the other class that I am taking and never talk about because it is not nearly as entertaining for everyone else as it is for me...culinary management doesn't really get your juices pumping does it...?), I'm not sure how exciting the weekend will be for Collin Murray and I. The forecast is for rain and what I call mizzley weather. Mizzley is a combination of Mist and Drizzle and it is an intensely miserable kind of wetness. I had plans for picnics in the park this weekend and that damn mizzle is raining on my parade, er, picnic. At least there will be other weekends full of sun. Until then, put your thinking caps on and please comment or email or text or call or send a pigeon with your suggestions for the new name. I need the help something fierce. Oh, and if you send a pigeon, send it attention Collin as my fear of birds is legendary.

Until the tomorrow when I have something food-related to report, please enjoy this picture of Little Maudie Mae. It is totally random and un-related to this blog but even if you hate cats (gasp!), I hope it makes you smile. Isn't she cute when she's sleepy? Don't you feel her life is hard? Oh, and Happy Birthday to the lady who birthed me. Please send good birthday karma her way! Love you Mama!


  1. That is a look of total contentment!

    It appears that the grand-kittens have adjusted well to big city living! But how would they know what it is like outside that cozy apartment.

    We are enjoying warm and sunny weather here in Alberta!

  2. "The Chelsea Felines Bitchin Food Blog"
    "Katie's Amazing Culinary Adventures"
    "A highly entertaining yet informative foody blog"
    "Foodies Unite Blog"
    "Katie's Foody Blogstorm"
    "Katie's Great Food Ideas"
    "Patrick's Great Blog Title Generator"

  3. Cat looks like it would bite me. Can not be trusted.
