Monday, May 24, 2010

Blog Mistress Update

Hi y'all,

The Blog Mistress has been very busy. She has not gone AWOL or forgotten you (Angie or Karen especially) but she has just been busy and trying to manage all her ducks and unfortunately her blog is what suffers. After tomorrow though the Blog Mistress's school commitments get to be a little less intense and she will be back to entertain y'all with her sassy wit and fattening pictures. Thank you for still tuning in.

Amaretti Cookies


  1. Thank you for your update about not going AWOL. I was starting to worry about the Blog Mistress and even though I knew of her whereabouts through my connections in NYC, I wondered why we weren't being entertained by her daily blog entries.

    I am speaking on behalf of your faithful followers and the numerous other readers that enjoy your efforts, we want you to know that we do appreciate your informative and inciting comments. We also realize that this must be just one of many things that you must do in a day, so we thank you for entertaining us on almost a daily basis for over 2 and 1/2 months.

    But as Patrick says, "You gotta do, what you gotta do!". So good luck in your test tomorrow!

    We look forward to hearing about your escapades in the kitchen/bakery of your yet un-named culinary school and on the streets of the Big Apple.
