Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Day At The Greenmarket

Today Collin Murray and I went to the Union Square Greenmarket with the idea of merely strolling through to check out the products and we ended up spending a few hours there enjoying all the exciting new fresh food that is coming into season. So instead of telling you about what we saw, I took my camera along and am going to let you see it for yourselves. And as a disclaimer, it is a shame that will only let me share five photos with you because we saw some amazing stuff, I can't wait for all the summer fruit to arrive...

Purple "green" onions or Purple Scallions -- how cool are they?

Box o' pears

Raw horseradish

Carrots in a pretty light

Oh yeah, they have flowers too!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now I am officially jealous! When I saw these pics and the others that you e-mailed me with all the peonies and bedding out plans at the Green Market, I was depressed! It will be a few weeks before we can think of expecting anything colourful in the garden other than tulips. Let alone planting anything outside.

    Can I move to New York?
