Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Tarts Are In Town!

I spent a lot of time eating, cutting and arranging fruit today because we used our pate brisee to make fruit tarts. Spring is the perfect season for fruit tarts because there is just so much fresh fruit available to decorate with and the tarts just look like spring with all their bright colors. To make the tarts, we rolled out the dough and placed it in our tart pans, blind baked the dough, waited for it to cool and then filled the finished tarts with pastry cream and placed the fruit jewelery on top. The tarts were glazed with an apricot jelly that was heated just to give them a bit of protection and a lovely bit of sparkle and shine. I personally think that the tarts are just lovely when finished because like the sfogliatelle, they are just one of those things that you see in bakeries all the time and you think you would never be able to make them, but then you make them and they are pretty but the fact that you have baked them makes them even lovelier.

My fresh fruit tart

My tart, ready for its close-up

A selection of the tarts that my classmates and I made -- do you see mine?

As I said, we made pastry cream today too but we also made curd tarts, orange, lemon and lime, topped them with meringue and baked them to brown their little tops. The curd tarts were very cute but I definitely need work on rolling a little because mine did not come out with very high sides. As you will see in the photo, the side kind of shrunk and so the curd is having a little bit of an issue with being contained. Oh well though, it was my first tart and I'm sure with practice, which I know Collin Murray won't mind, my tarts with get better.

One of my wee lemon tarts

Tiny Tart Tins just because they are pretty


  1. Katie, your merinque is beautiful!

  2. Wow! Absolutely beautiful! Will they keep for a few days? I love those!

  3. My goodness! That is one colourful table of tarts! Do they taste as good as they look?

    And that lemon tart, what a beautiful meringue!!!

    I really like these photos!
