Sunday, May 2, 2010

Three Tarts

Since it was such a hot day yesterday (and today too for that matter) I figured that the best thing we could do was to eat an ice cream sandwich to cool down. Earlier in the week I had received an email from a website that covers foodie events in New York called Tasting Table that there was a promotion at a little bakery in our neighbourhood. The bakery is called Three Tarts and the promotion was a buy one, get one free ice cream sandwich -- how perfect! Of course when I saw the bakery and its location, I decided to check out their website and that is when I learned that Three Tarts is actually owned and operated by three women who graduated from the same culinary school that I will one day. I find it really neat and also even though it is corny to admit this, a little inspiring to see people who are graduates from the school to be out in the real world with very successful businesses. It gives me hope.

Since it was so close, Collin Murray and I had to go for a visit to Three Tarts, how could we not? We both had an ice cream sandwich, mine was predictably chocolate and caramel and Collin's was lemon and lavender and they melted/were eaten before I could take a picture, so sorry. We also tried a few of the other offerings there like a praline and chocolate confection, a hibiscus tart, a couple of truffles (the earl grey tea was our favorite), a yuzu marshmallow that made Collin's eyes all googly it was so good and a few cookies. Now before you gasp at our over-indulgence, all the offerings were pint-sized or as my Mama would say, they were all 'very cute and very sweet'. They were delicious and uniformly perfect and so tiny I wanted to pinch their non-existent cheeks. They were presented in a glass case like art, were not that expensive (hence our ability to purchase so many treats to taste) and the sales boy who helped us was so friendly and knowledgeable that even if the sweets tasted bad I probably would still go back.

Here are a few of the little nuggets that we tasted:

Sesame Truffle -- not sure I liked the sesame flavor but they sure are purty.

Raspberry Linzer cookie that Collin Murray said was just ok. We found that we liked the cookies the least out of all that we tried but they were so beautiful that it was hard to be too critical

Chocolate Praline Mound -- the initial taste was so-so but the after taste was good

A hibiscus tart with a floating meringue top

Three Tarts has a lot of gluten free items and this is one of them, a coconut macaroon dipped in chocolate


  1. Your Ice cream sounded so yummy on your last blog, but I was so cold I had to go on to warmer things. Endless tastings, they are very cute!

  2. Those are very pretty photos! Or as the
    Blog Mistress would say, "Verra purty!".

    Who knew she graduated with distinction as an English major! Or maybe this is a Chelsea dialect that we have not heard of?
