Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picnic In The Park

I understand that in some parts of the world that it is snowing...still...but here it New York it is hot, hot, hot and as such Collin Murray and I embarked on a wonderful excursion today to the shade of Central Park.

Our view -- we had to make reservations weeks in advance...ha!

To me, nothing is better than a picnic in the park and with the help of Zabar's, today we had just that. We picked up some crackers and grissini; prosciutto, salami, and some smoked salmon; a couple of cheeses; tomatoes; grapes and pineapple; and I brought some walnuts and apricots from and we had ourselves a feast.

Most of our picnic spread

No wine for fear of being captured by the park guards but I did bring some earl grey truffles, cookies and marshmallow that we bought yesterday (at 50% off no less!) from my favorite new bakery Three Tarts. We had a lovely, if not rather warm time and with just a little leg work at the grocery store, y'all could easily do the same...when it stops snowing.

Our dessert spread, not an advertisement for Ziploc

Annie Cookie before...

Annie Cookie after...


  1. I do not appreciate your digs at the local weather in the northern part of the world.

    Your picnic does look charming to say the least though. Soak up that sun for us!

  2. Yes it is wicked of Katie to rub our noses in our defective weather patterns. Hey guess what? It is going up to plus 14 here today! Whoopy-ding. Ooooo. NYC - here we come!!! Just in time for the weather here to finally turn nice.

  3. Yes, I am trying to forget how miserable it was spending the day in our garage freezing our butts off! Patrick was smart enough to wear his long johns so he did not get chilled to the bones like I did. That is just wrong to be that cold and damp at the end of May! What a crazy difference compared to you two enjoying a very warm day in Central Park.

    As for the picnic, it looks like an amazing spread. Don't you just love Zabars!

    BTW, I want to know what you want me to do with the dozen or so Barbies that did not sell in the garage sale? I had no idea that you had such a crowd of them packed away in those boxes in the furnace room.

  4. Dear Rod,

    The Blog Mistress appreciates your comments on the blog...please let's try to keep the Barbies in the furnace room discussion to an email or phone call...
