Saturday, May 15, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ball Game...The Food Edition

We took in our first professional baseball game today at Yankee Stadium. Collin Murray's parents are visiting and very kindly treated us to the game and we all had a great time. Naturally we partook in traditional baseball game food, I had a hot dog, not the dirty water variety mind you but a delicious stick of meat(?) nonetheless. I also had Carvel ice cream for the first time and it was sinfully delicious. It was very soft serve-y and very chocolate-y and very tasty indeed. By the way, I say sinfully because the stadium has the calorie count of each and every item that the concession stands sell listed beside the item -- sometimes, like when you are at a baseball game, you don't want to know how many calories what you are stuffing your face with has. It makes you feel a little naughty.

Skinny yet tasty hot dog

Carvel deliciousness

The variety of vendors that came through the stands was amazing. Peanuts, crackerjacks, hot dogs, seventeen different kinds of favorite was the one pictured below. I hope he gets extra pay for the fancy agility he displays.

I mean really, that takes skill!

The game was a slice. Homeruns, a crowd wave that just kept going and another win for the Yankees made for a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to bring up this subject but it shows that I actually read your blogs thoroughly. I tend to skim over the blog and check up the subject matter and of course admire the great photos. But before I comment I usually take my time to re-read the blog.

    I had missed the term "dirty water variety" hot dog on my first reading. I have never heard of that item before. I think I know what it is referring to, but just wanted to check to make sure that this is not some new trend in the food world.

    I hope it is describing the method of cooking that piece of processed meat. Regardless the dirty water version does not sound that appetizing! But somehow I think that I have eaten many of those back on the farm when they didn't have those fancy roller type cookers.

    I am glad that you guys were able to experience a Yankees game. Now you can say that you are a real New Yorker! Sounds like you had a fun afternoon.
