Saturday, September 25, 2010

Billy's Bakery

Ever just crave a cupcake? It happens to me all the time and honestly even though I went to pastry school and everything, I rarely make them and I know it might sound crazy eqaully but I also rarely eat them. However, when the cupcake craving reared its ugly head today, it seemed like the perfect day to try out Billy's Bakery, a charming little bakery in our neighbourhood.

In the flesh! Billy's!
I had long been told of Billy's. One of my chef-instructors made the bold claim that Billy's made the best cupcakes in the city -- a claim that had me curious as I have had some tasty little cakes in New York. If you are wondering, there is actually a Billy. He used to work at the famed Magnolia Bakery on Bleecker street (you know, the one that you see in Sex and the City...) and when he left Magnolia, he set up his own shop. As a result, the cupcakes at Billy's are strikingly similar to Magnolia's -- both are heavily topped with buttercream and dotted with old-school sprinkles.

Our selection (Chocolate, Red Velvet, Chocolate, Carrot Cake)
Collin Murray and I tried the chocolate, red velvet and carrot cake and were reasonably pleased with our cupcakes. The chocolate and red velvet were pretty dry but the carrot cake was absolutely delicious. It was moist and tender and the perfect balance of carrot and spice. Topped with cream cheese icing that was the perfect dose of sweet and sour, this cupcake was by far the favorite of the day.

Carrot Cake deliciousness...with a little bit taken out of it!
Billy's Bakery is located at 184 9th Avenue and there is also a location in Tribeca. Either way, you can also visit their website by clicking

We ate them all...almost...
Pssst...I forgot to mention, Collin Murray was our photographer today! I think he did rather well!

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