Saturday, September 11, 2010

The World's Tiniest Cucumber?

I realize that it probably sounds repetitive but I really can't stop raving about the Greenmarket in Union Square. Today Collin Murray and I found the cutest little cucumbers there that I have ever seen.

Hello? How cute are they?

The cucumbers are called Sour Mexican Gherkins or Sanditas and they are truly adorable. I found them to have a very lemon-y taste and to be really quite tart. I wasn't a huge fan of their taste but I was exceedingly delighted by their size. Collin Murray thought they were "different" and tasted a little like a "pickled watermelon" but they were a neat market find nonetheless.

The whole lot of 'em

A little bit of googling didn't bring up too much information of the Sanditas origin or growth season, but the farmer told us that they are great on salads, pickled as you would other cucumbers or even in pastas. I'm a little skeptical on how they would be in pasta but hey, if you're that cute, who am I to judge?

A look inside -- kind of like a cucumber, right? Just in really, really tiny packaging!

1 comment:

  1. Well that is definitely a unique looking cucumber! It's seeds look disproportionately large in comparison to the whole cucumber. So it doesn't look like the kind that you would use when they say to peel and seed the cucumber before serving. Then there wouldn't be much left to eat.

    But they do look very cute!

    Again another first at the Green Market! I am sure that in the middle of January you will be missing that experience! So take advantage of that opportunity while you are still in the city.
