Sunday, September 26, 2010

Francois Payard Bakery -- FPB

On my first day of pastry school, our chef asked us if we knew who Francois Payard was. She was rather upset when not one person raised their hand. Apparently Chef Payard is a legend in the New York dessert scene -- his croissants and pastries were frequently named the best in the city. He used to own a pastry shop on the Upper East Side but was forced to close it after the rent was hiked up so high that he could not longer afford to do business. Enter Francois Payard Bakery -- FPB:

Fetching awning, no?
Earlier this week his new bakery opened near enough to our house for Collin Murray and I to stop by and get a taste. Boy are we glad we did. Collin Murray had the croissant, me the pain au chocolat. Really, the pastries are technically almost the same -- the same dough is used but each pastry is rolled differently and the pain au chocolat has a chocolate baton (read: fancy term for little stick of chocolate that don't melt at high temperatures) inserted into it prior to baking.

Collin Murray's croissant

Pain au chocolate Before

The store also sold breads and lovely little cakes and tarts as well as sandwiches and an array of specialty drinks that look positively delightful.

I'm a little obsessed with the strawberry tarts
Francois Payard Bakery is located at 116 West Houston (between Thompson and Sullivan). For more information about the bakery, click here.

Photos are by Collin Murray, once again.

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