Friday, September 3, 2010

Greenmarket Round Up

One of the most exciting things about living in New York, which is something that I'm positive I've said before but I'm going to say again, is having access to a farmer's market like the Union Square Greenmarket. Since we moved in March, the market has changed so much. I've seen varieties of produce that I never thought existed, I've tasted new things and experimented at home with all sorts of produce. It's been really exciting for me and for Collin Murray too: it's something that we are grateful for and it is also something that is important for me to share with y'all too. So without further adieu, here's a taste of August!

Baby artichokes

Green Zebra Tomatoes

Mix of Peppers

Delicious New York state grapes

Little birds enjoying some corn

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! I can see that you will be missing the Green Market once you get back here. I know that you live pretty close to Calgary's Farmer's market but it just doesn't seem to have the variety and selection that you have found there. I wished that we had been able to tour it while we were in town. But at that time there was only so much time to see everything.
