Friday, August 6, 2010

The End Is Too Close

Pastry school is coming to an end far too soon. I am very sad about it and that emotion is shared by a few people in our class and then there are others who can't wait for school to be over. I can't believe it has all gone by so fast but I'm very grateful that Rod convinced me to start this blog because it is going to be a lovely scrapbook for me to look through when I'm done and remember the little details that fade with time in your memory.

That being said, today was another day of hard work in our kitchen. We started by making the strangest buttercream I have ever seen. It was called French Buttercream and it was weird. We start by heating milk and sugar till the sugar dissolved, then we chilled the sweetened milk over ice while whisking in flour and vanilla. Then we put the whole thing onto a 20 quart mixer and added three and three-quarter pounds butter -- no that is not a typo and heavy cream to the mixer, mixing till we had a light, fluffy buttercream. To be honest, it kind of tasted like butter: shocker, right?

So after the French Buttercream, we levelled and iced our six and ten inch cakes and froze them so that we can cover them with fondant on Monday.

Cake Rounds

After our cakes we safely stowed away, we continued working on our flowers. I petal-dusted all my "filler-flowers", my leaves, roses, and the rest of my carnations. I truly hope I am done with flower making for a little while because even though I find it to be a very zen experience, I ready to try something else.




  1. The flowers look very nice Katie! You have done a great job thru the schooling and will have all of the experience to take with you! Congratulations on a job well done. I am looking forward in seeing the Grand Finale of the wedding cake.

  2. I can't believe how much different things look once they have been petal-dusted. You have done a great job!

    Can't wait to see the finished product next week!

    I am sad that you are not wanting this experience to end. But you are lucky to have this blog to look back on and capture the daily turmoils and triumphs for the future. I know that it has been a lot of work but we have enjoyed reading about it very much!
