Saturday, July 10, 2010

Watermelon Agua Fresca

Spanish for "fresh water", Agua Fresca is basically a blend of pure fruit juice, sweetener, citrus juice and water. Being that it is hotter than all get out in New York and I have read that Agua Fresca is very refreshing, I thought I would give it a try. I've included the easy recipe below and hope y'all will try it too. Though the recipe that I used sites watermelon as the fruit juice source, you could easily substitute just about any melon: cantaloupe or honey dew or even a (gasp) a cucumber would be rather tasty!

Adapted from Put 'Em Up!
Makes 4 to 5 cups

1 small watermelon (bowling ball size is best)
1 cup water
1-2 tablespoons sugar
Juice of 1 lime
Club soda (optional)

Cut the water melon in half and using a spoon, scoop out the innards. Puree in a food processor or with a blender, in batches, till no large chunks remain. As you process the melon, use a fine mesh strainer or a colander lined with cheesecloth and allow the pureed melon to leak or drain its juices in a bowl. The goal is to just have the pure juice when you are finished and not little bits of pulp.

Draining the juice from the pulp

Once the mixture is drained, transfer the liquid to a pitcher, add water, lemon juice and sugar and mix till sugar is dissolved. Add seltzer if using and serve chilled with or without ice.

You can keep the Agua Fresca in the fridge for up to three days just don't add the seltzer or the ice until ready to serve.

The tasty result

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm! That looks delicious! I am sure that it would quench your thirst on a hot summer day. Which we did have yesterday here. It was in the low 30's! And we were complaining!

    So I can only imagine if we had the temperatures and humidity that you guys have been suffering through.

    I am sure that this drink would be well worth the effort. So you can be sure that I will give this recipe a try, especially if it gets about 30 degrees again.
